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February 26, 2005

hiieeee....morning everyone!.it's so cold..so nice!....ahakz...had the best night ever..haha...love him laa...but i shall not elaborate on that...hmmmz...yest..i had guides....so bloody tiring...the sing a long wasnt FUN...the drills SUCK..but overall it's actually okkaayy...besides the fact that suhailah got pissed over dunno what...anyway...after guides...i called diivvyar to ask where she was so we could meet up and go home together with maria and suhailah...she was in mp..so we went to meet her and shermaine there..suhailah diidnt know that we were gonna meet divya...then she got pissed..ii tink..dunno laa...that girl got terrible mood swing lah..anyway we were all talking bout the emilla migrating...alot of stuff...actually not a lot..but whatever..erm..then i saw a familiar person with familiar hair...no it's not esme...it was mazzzzie!..mazni i mean..ahakz...she was waiting for 60..so was i..then we took the bus together..it was fun..after so long..not talking properly to her and stuff...i really miss those times when we crap in malay class together...haiz..but anyway we got down at the same stop...haa...when i came home..i wanted to watch newly weds...but my very irritating mum just had ta spoil everything...stoopid!...then i was chatting with my darling..so nice laa..hahaha...i was too happy that i slept with the radio on..and at 2 in the morning then i switched it off..haaaaah~...my sis getting her o level results on monday..and so is everyone else...i wish you luck aiigghttz...except for my sister...let's see how much she'll brag or cry!..such show off...ppffftttt....k laaaa...i gtg already..taaaz!!


February 24, 2005

hey ya'll!...so long i never update..that's cos i've been busy...studying...=P...now im free...common tests are finally over...no more test until after march hols...okkay..i shall update on my life...hmm..
last saturday was thinking day...went to the indoor staduim..met maria and suhailah in parkway..then ate in mac...at first i didnt wanna go cos i had to study..heehe..but maria FORCED me..it's ok..i enjoyed myself anyway...the performances were nice..as in the primary school ones...they're just so adorable..haha...then after all that..the dikir barat EXTRA guys came..and the minahs went down to take pics of them..how cheap!sooo...after that...errrm...i was walking out with maria..suhailah and my junior when abg fie called...then he asked me where humaira was..so i told him i didnt know..then when i asked where he was..he asked me to turn..there he was!haha..i asked me to give me a lift a home..so he did...so nice of them...abg pis..yazeed was there too..but like i was sort of shy..haha..so yaa...

monday i had eng and physics...it was okay..i didnt screw up my phy...was not bad ar...english..i tink i wrote out of point..but im not sure...just hope i'll pass...hmm...tuesday had...geog elec..ss and e maths..i SCREW UP MY GEOG!!..darn..i was memorising everything the WHOLE night...literally...i slept late...and then when i was doing the paper..i forgot everything..bloody hell..then the ones that i didnt memorise..i could remember...how unfortunate man....forget bout it man..i hate it...e maths wasnt that bad...i tink..cant really remember...so on wed..i had chem and bio...chem was nice!..haha...it was really nice..i mean it wasnt hard..haaha...but bio..i screw up...im gonna die..whatever that i studied didnt come out..stooopid la..oh ya on wed i had malay..then afiq asked fatin sth or what ar...then i look at afiq..his teeth..the two teeth in front is huge..but no offence ah...looks cute on him...i told fatin bout it...and she was laughing like..wth...haha..was funny..i had to answer this qtn cos i was laughing...arse!errm...so today i had malay and a maths...a maths was a torture man!..i didnt do half of the qtn...ok nehmind..im gonna fail anyway...malay was okay..but i forgot the meaning of menceburi!stupid crap...and i didnt know what bertauliah was!haiz haiz!so after school we PARRTAY!..not really la...we went in pizza hut to see whether the offer was still on...or sth..but divya wanted to go caltex..our usual place...so we ate there...suhailah came along..then after that i went to alter my skirt...

the best thing is.......it's raining now!!yay!..haha...after so long of pure torture...haha...anyway everything is going overboard laa...damn irritating..i shall not mention it here..anyway i'll stop here...taaaz!


February 12, 2005

yo!wasssuppppp!im bored!just came back..
in the morning i went to bishan..guides hq.....met divya and maria's junior at bedok mrt...then met maria suhailah emilla and my cuz in the mrt...then suhailah and emilla got down at lavender to make their ic..then it was really crappy when we went cos we kept on missing the stop and we hafta go back...so dumb..anyway if you were wondering why divya came..well..she's being an extra...haha..no la...she tot she had choir..but she didnt..then she told her mum that she wanted to go out after her so called choir...and she got money for that k!so unfair...ermm..we were late...then my junior reached there earlier than us...then when i reached there..i helped her out abit..it was kinda awkward cos her parents are there...but we got along well..dont know what language they talk also...mu cuz was there oso..damn cute la she...so blur..amirah oso..hahaha......me maria and divya...left...went town...ate there..went subway..we tried he snapple...talk talk....so fun..ahakz..erm...then we went pretty in tokyo...took neoprints...so damn funny..haha....we didnt know that it wasnt like a timer shot kinda thing...then suddenly it took and took..like give us a break!haaha...i was obviously laughing the whole way..ahakz..we actually wanted to watch movie...but didnt..there wasnt constantine in cathay cineleisure anyway ...then...we went heeren..wanted to try the neoprint machine there...it turned out nice...i like...then we walk walk around.....maria's mum called and she had to leave...=(..she wanted us to follow her take the train cos she didnt wanna take alone...so me and divya went bugis...went mac...sat there..bought ice cream~nice~...talk talk...and we window shop...and divya saw her darling prakash!haaha....she was blardy hyper man....obviously i was the one who was tolerating all that..at first i didnt see him..i wanted to...so we went to search for him...haahaha..but we didnt find him..so i was like k fine...then we went to this shop..then suddenly divya became hyper..haaha...and i saw her darling prakash...not cute la!!...eh im telling most of the ppl that their darling isnt cute..what bout mine?..haha...no la..mine is cute in a sense that he has a great sense of humor...lalalalala~..haha...eh but he isnt mine..YET...hahaha..divya was so in love with that guy man...then we walk walk...talked...it was nice..but everywhere we looked it was full of hearts and stuff...valentines' day...i aint got a valentine..i just realised that we met quite alot of tk peepz today...first...we saw kok tong..is tt his name?..yeah...then we saw zahirah and her bf...but she didnt see us la..then this guy..dont know his name..then ermm.....dunno who oso la...anyway when we were coming back...in the train....there was this guy sitting beside me...and suddenly i heard the sound roosters make...you know..cockle doodle doo...yeah that one....it was actually that guy's ring tone...it was so damn funny...i couldnt stop laughing man!hahaha....oh ya..btw..maria we saw your bestfren..haha...the mac's woman...the crazee one..ahakkz..when i came back i had a terrible headache man...so pain...!...anyway i forgot surayya's bdae!..haaha...she went town with sakinah and aisyah..and sakinah told her bout the watever thing bout z...so bloody childish man..i mean this kinda thing..they shouldnt take it too personally..what the hell is wrong with them...okok..i shall stop here before all the vulgarities come out.....~

[oh ya!i talked to my darling.lalalala~]


February 8, 2005

hello darlings!..im just in the mood for love..wahahahz...no la..im just so hyper..i actually put it on for him...woohoooo!..haha...ok i shall not elaborate more...scared if anything leak out then i'll die...if you wanna noe just ask me k..=)..anyway today's cny eve..damn crap..the concert was so boring...i was like gonna sleep half way...and most of the time they were speaking in chinese..what crap is tt..anyway..after all that..me maria and divya went bugis...it was okay actually..not really THAT fun..cos they had ta leave..maria had to meet her mum cos she wanted to do her ic...and divya wanted to meet her pri school frenz..so i was the only one who didnt have any plans..then divya asked me whether i wanted to come with her to go meet her frenz..but better not..if not i'll feel so left out..so i went home instead!..anyway i wanna watch constantine!!!!!it looks nice...and i tink it is..i wanna watch!!!!!...anyway i haven been doing anything much lately..i haven been doing any revision or my hw...im feeling like as if it's the end of year..finish exams ready..and stuff...if only..haiz...i need my junior's no man...hai....need ta contact her..but i forgot her name!..shheeesh!!...poor memory...okk then...gtg byeeee...
love you.i cant believe my dream came true!wahahax


February 7, 2005

fuck him la..im so pissed now...arrghh...okok forget bout him..such a jerk..loser...anyway...today was really nice...ahakz...for those of you who didnt know...well...we had a 'celebration' for maria in the morning..it's her bdae today!...happy birthday gurll!!!..haaha...i tink she has been like so embarrassed already...hmmm...k about the celebration thingy...it was fun!haaha...divya bought a mini cake from the cake shop yest...then i came school by myself so i'll reach skool earlier than usual..then like..at the 3b class there..i lit the candles...and we went in maria's class...she didnt noe la...then she was quite surprised...ahakz...we rawk right!so then...we ate the cake and all...very nice..yum!okaay..erm fast forward...after all that we took pictures...divya brought her cam..too bad i didnt..hmmph..i wanted to..but my bro la..so irritating..then i realised i didnt bring my tie!!lucikly kavina had extra...oh ya..i gave kavina her prezzie....she was happy..love ya!..ahakz..anyway my darling is sick...so poor thing...get well soon k dear...ahakz..he's not even my dear..what crap..me and divya gave maria her prezzie...she like it but it's abit too big for her...nehmind..can gimme..haha...eh quite ex u know...after school i had bio test..was cracking my head like mad k...so damn hard..k it wasnt hard..just that i didnt study..i just realised something...im like the black sheep of the family..heehz..cos..all my siblings went to a non mixed sec school...but im the only extra..haiz...my bro was from vs..my sisters...cedar and tkg...all good schools except for mine...but it's not really my fault is it...just that i slack alot and they dont..so wierd..ahahakz..but still my sis end up in tpjc for her first three months...poor thing...but she's not used to the environment..cos the peepz there slack alot and she's not like that...that's what i call wierd...who ask her to do quite badly for prelims..okok enough already...after the bio test..i went to meet divya in the canteen...and i waited for her until 345 then i walked her to the bustop..waited for her bus then came back to school..cos i had to meet up with the guides committee...cos we hafta plan for the friday's meeting...im in like this training group..cos we'll be getting our ranks or whatever la...but everyone's involved..so you'll know what it's like to be part of the committee..=)...then i was msging...when i came into the school..the the very irritating..dm wannabe had to call me up..cos i wasnt suppose to bring my phone...[dotz]..luckily he didnt take my phone man..he took henna's phone..haahaha...actually i tink he's giving me alot alot of chances...cos he caught me alot of times for my socks...but he didnt really scold..but when he talk to me..he can still smile..so i'll give him a sweet face..hahhha...so then..henna called me..so i went to sit with her and kavina...then they had to go for drama....the suhailah asked me to join then..i suddenly felt so wanted..haaha...was hanging around with them..gossiping here and there..heehe..now i know everything...wahahaz..then the maams came..and we planned out for the friday's meeting...so fun..but we'll have drill cos of thinking day...dont feel like coming on that day..FULL U k...so irritating...then after all that...me maria and suhailah..went caltex..ate there..then a 10 came..they asked me whether they could take the bus..cos obviously i cant...so i took a 32..it took such a long time k..passing at frankel ave...the place is like so nice...the houses there are like HUGE..and so niccee!...haiz...so yea...quite a long day man...ahakz..k then..ciao!



February 4, 2005

lalala~i miss blogging man!haha..so long nvr blog ready..well..i've been busy..really busy...test after test..what are the tchers thinking man...now already i cant really cope..i just need a bloody freaking tutor..haiz..i've been failing my quizes..which is bad..hmph..anyway lotsa things have happened lately..anyway...had guides today..as usual..but today was special...it was fun..haaha...~the sec 1s are here!at last...my cuzzie was there..then i was like introducing her to the peepz..chayana actually wanted to ask her what a blowjob is..she's nuts la..erm..me maria and suhailah was in charge of one of the stations..really fun..cos i got a great view of him..ahakz..we had it in the canteen...it's like this obstacle thingy..everyone said it was nice..not everyone..almost everyone..but still..it was fun!..the sec 1s are like...kinda pathetic..their skirts are like LONG..whoa!crazee...but they'll learn..ok..fast forward....went home with chayana..gloria..maria..suhailah..he didnt leave with us...so sad...then went to the bustop..while walking..saw hafizah and khalis..they kinda look nice together..in the canteen oso they were together...nice~..then...erm....the bus came late...stoopid bus..but before that..my darling came..then he took this bus...hmmph..i think there's something going on..shall not say it here tho..then chayana got down with me at the interchange...she took 25..then saw farzana..she asked what bus i was gonna take n stuff..then i took a 60..oh ya..when i wlking home..there was this guy..he looked at my direction n whistle..but that guy is crazee..no i mean he's insane..like gile arh..seriously..then after a few whistles..he shouted..he was like oiii...alot alot of times..i was freaking out..i just have phobia of mad man...got one incident in the bus ready...so yea..i came home..only my younger sis was home...my mum went johor..she just came back...she's damn irritating..im gonna show her attitude cos of what she did to me last night..and if i wanna go out or come home late or what..im not gonna tell her anything..she's such a bitch...my younger sister another bitch...she just sucks..i tink now maria and divya should know how my sister is after meeting her in the bus..anyway..im gonna stay up until 12 today cos i wanna wish kavina happy buurrffday...i'll do it here....HAPPY BIIRTHDAY KAVINA!!..hope she'll like that something i bought her..more like me divya and maria...ok then..tata~



` seeeeenah!
` 16 going on 17
` srjcian.
` haseenah_07@hotmail.com
` squasher!



` chocolate caramel fudge.
` weddings:)
` shopping!
` dressing up
` talking/laughing/crapping(only to/with certain people tho)
` my beautiful bitches<3
` lazing around


` mid year exams
` mahmud's 20th bday
` syaheerah's 15th bday
` adilah's 17th bday
` eugenia's 17th bday
` national day?

` i'll finally be 17!


` han's 23rd bday
` tooniebaby's 17th bday!






December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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May 2007
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