May 31, 2007
i hope the ring you gave to her turns her finger green! i hope when you’re in bed with her you think of me!haha. okay that was some random lyrics. i just came back. went out to celebrate my mummy's and sister's bday. im like so so tired but i somehow feel the need to blog. so we were supposed to go sofra at shaw tower. but the freakin nice turkish restaurant was closed. dammit k. was really looking forward to some turkish delights! haha. so we walked to bugis junction instead. went to the same old swensen's, like we always do. finally had my sticky chewy chocolate, ive been like wanting it since forever! haha. cravinggg. so yummy. so sinful! gahh. but anyway sorta had a great time with the family since we've all been so caught up with other stuff to even be bothered with everyone else. so yea. =) we call it family bonding.
today feels like a saturday. but anyway i had squash training yesterday. mahmud has yet to pass me marwan's red racket. haha. so coach wasnt too happy with us. it scary, somehow. haha. i still think there are too many girls. and it makes the court looks messy and crowded. and worst, it's so damn hard to train. so i decided to slack a lil. was gossiping with celina and harpreet. aha. but after training, we stayed back to continue playing. by that time, i was all shagged. haha. my right arm hurts so bad. my dad told me i'll have big thighs and stuff if i continued playing. in a way, he's telling me that i should stop. but like, i love squash! and i know some hot ppl who are like pros in squash, hint: they arent in my sch! haha;)
it's midnight now! which means like it's my sister's birthday! woooo. hahaha. she was like sleeping so me and my younger sister literally jumped on her and wished her. hahaha. she was obviously shocked! ahaha. damn, i forgot the water and video. grr. but anyways im gon go now. there's sch tmr! seriously feel like skipping!
ciao ppl!
Like a little school mate in the school yardWe'll play jacks and UNO cardsI'll be your best friend And you'll be mine, valentineYes you can hold my hand if you want to'cause I wanna hold yours tooWe'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worldsBut it's time for me to go homeIt's getting late, dark outsideI need to be with myself in center, clarity, peace, serenity.....
May 27, 2007

hey world. i was supposed to blog on friday night but i was dead tired. then i wanted to blog yesterday but i slept! gosh. yeah so anyway i went for my cousin's engagement yesterday. he's only freakin 23! but it's nice cos his bridey is actually the gf he has been with for godknowshowmany years. so surayya was there. my cousins. my aunts. i like the way they placed everything, with the buffet and all. too bad i didnt take any pics. but funny thing, there was this guy who was taking video. and he always always takes a video of me and my sister when we past me. like follow us with the damn camera. and it got damnn funny. haha. but i think he does it with like everyone. cute la. haha.
so on friday, i had an awesomely fun time with my girls. we celebrated glory+sandy's bday. the bday blondies didnt know me and kavz were coming. so while they nicely had lunch/dinner at sakae sushi in bugis, me and kavina brought in a yummy black forest bday cake and they were like so so surprised! before that, glory sent me a msg telling me how much she wished i was there and stuff. hahaha. cutesyy! yeah so like we chilled at starbucks. camwhored!;) brought back memories of tk. talked bout our lives. it was perfect. but then, we realised something was missing! haha. so like about 7something we got out of there, went to the fountain area and took a group pic. but noo, that was not the thing that was missing. we pulled sandy and glory to the water fountain and like, the water shot up sandy's skirt and she was like soaked! hahaha. but too bad glory wasnt really wet. so like after making so much of noise there, we went topman but i literally poured a bottle of water on glory! haha. whaat? she wasnt wet yet! hoho. i so loved that day. =) so we hugged, kissed(hahaha) and parted.
May 24, 2007
hello you. im feeling very emo today. and i have no idea why. maybe it's the time of the month. maybe im truly upset about certain things. only God knows. ive been trying to do my work but nothing seems to be getting in this big head of mine. haha. ive lost that momentum and i really wanna gain it back. but it's really hard esp with so many things happening. why must life be so so hard? i met my tooniebaby just now. we went to parkway. ate at bk. yeap. i ate! at a freakin fastfood restaurant. dammit. there goes my diet. i seriously need to lose some ass. it's way too big that i feel like theres a bum sticking out that is blockin everyone's way. ugh. i hate this.
my heart feels so heavy. and i swear i have no idea why. so ive been thinking, im giving up on guys. im into girls now. haha. so girls, bewaree! ok, no im not serious. so chill. but somehow, i just feel that guys are sucha waste of time but at the same time, i want them. them as in the hot ones please. but im not desperate or anything. im just confused. like how mahmud always puts it, im a confused kid. haha. i just realised that since hes going to be caged in tekong soon, i wont be able to play squash with him. then who's gon play with mee?=( i was thinking of becoming a vegetarian. haha. yeah, i know. the things i come up with! which reminds me, eugenia has a blog and she was like looking through mine to see if i blogged about her. haha. shes cutesyy(no. 2, cos im no.1!).
toon passed me the letter she wrote. haha. i just read it. and it's funny. she can seriously crack me up. haha. damnn, somehow i just miss everyone in tk. we were talking just now bout how things have changed in tk. how it used to be during our time(like it was a decade ago!). how the guys played soccer till late at the street soccer court. and the girls wandered round aimlessly in parkway. how the band practised hard when syf was coming up. how everything seemed like it was honeymoon for us. things changed. tk now seems like a mugging school. so not like what it used to be. and i feel so damn sad for it. gaahh! whatever.
cikgu taha is leaving sr for rj! yeah, whatever. im gon miss him. haha. right. but our class slacked a lot with him around. it's fun just that we dont study.much.
im just being random bout whatever im saying cos my head's a mess right now. im hopeless!
just take me away...........:(
May 19, 2007
seeeenah misses blogging!hiiii!!! haha. okay it's been like ages since i last blogged. ive been so so tired. it's seriously not funny! i came home at 11something last night. i was supposed to stay overnight for squash camp but i didnt cos my overprotective daddy just wouldnt let me. he'll miss me if i were to be gone for one night.
yeah sure. so at 530, after some arts festival performance in the hall, we gathered at the squash court. thank god alnishyia was there. if not, i would seriously have died. i got some group with some manjans so i made a swap with charmaine so that i'll be in the same group as alnishyia. oh ya! i met shaleni in toilet. haha. she was like taking off the jewelleries cos she performed. she saw the henna tattoo thingie she did for me. talked to her for awhile. so we had bonding games like wacko, amazing race. ohmygod! hahaha. amazing race was like the funniesst! hahaha! we were like so damn semangat(ok i was!) so me and alnishyia asked hai chiang to like runnnn! he did. and like the rest of us were strolling! haha. it was damn funny la.. cutesy. so we went to the gallery where i still couldnt stop laughing and totally embarrassed myself. as usual! haha. then we had games after games. we bonded quite well. funn!=) there was this station where we had to
write squash is fun using our asses! and the games ic was like trying to confuse us. but i can spell! haha. then to get extra points we had to spell, serangoon junior college! by the time everytime was done, my thighs were like so sore.. we were the first to complete everyone..wheeee! haha. omg i sound so retarded. damnn. haha. yeah so we had dinner. after that we were just slacking. then had some other station games but only in the canteen. i laughed sooo much k! hahaha everything was just soo funny. the games mostly made use of the mouth, hands and stomach to the butt? haha okay something like that. i left sch at 10something. got pretty screwed by my parents. they just cant understand. but whatever. i dont give a shit. today i was supposed to go but my parents wont let me and it's actually the election for committee members. ugh. im like super pissed. oh and my dad actually wants me to stop playing squash. like wth. that would never freakin happen dammit! i love squash! too bad for him that he cant understand that. hahah. ok sorry! just venting the anger. so like i have my gp midyears next week, thursday.
oh and next wentzday is srjcians off day! hahaha.
May 11, 2007
okay seenah has finally decided to blog. seenah didnt have the mood. the attitude was just not right. and seenah has been tired okay. haha.
so like, many things happened over the last two weeks. im like dying each day. someone just shoot me please. so, jc isnt as exciting after all. the never ending assignments are killing me by the second! okay so like, last saturday i finally went to a place you cant know. haha. mrepek seenah. yeah but anyway i met my bitchh sandy. missed her a whole lot. shes cuteee la. haha. her loverboy was there too. alisa, emilla and her tp friends were there too. had an awesome great fun. finally, like after staying home for so god damn long. came home past midnight. thank god i didnt get screwed or anything. mainly because my parents were already asleep and smart seenah sneaked in. haha. then i realised since they werent awake or anything, i could have stayed longer. but noo, i didnt. so i was kinda sad over that. haha.but whatever. i had fun;)
sinful sinful like suddenly sucking in squash. mahmud promised he was gonna play with me at ballota. but nooo, god knows what happened. poor mahmud is now working and claims to be always tired. like, whatever. wentzday sucked for me. i was pretty disappointed with my performance. oh and we mett with our other coach. he seems pretty nice. better than the other shawty.
but, that night i met up with my girls. finaallyyyyy!toooniebaby, sandybitch, shawtyboobs and emilla(cleavage) were there.haha omg. okay just so you know, i dont have an obsession over only obsession is my fatass.haha we had dinner at pastamania, plaza sing. i actually took a cab from school to meet my darlings. so im like totally broke now. sad sad stuff. but mommy promised to raise my allowance. hopefully. after dinner, we chilled at starbucks. couldnt stop teasing sandy. shes a cutesy. haha. i camwhored wit toonie after god knows how long! haha i came home, was pretty shagged.
so just now, i had sports day in srjc. and i only have one comment, he can runnnnn!!!hhahahaha