July 22, 2007
im so shagged i can just sleep for another 12 hours. damn. yesterday was, by far, the most hectic day for me in the year 2007. haha. (i think) i freakin woke up at 6 on a
SATURDAY cause of the
National Track and Field for the Disabled that i had to go for, since i volunteered. i just wanted to feel like an angel for a day. hee. so i went to eugenia's bustop and her dad picked me up and we went to serangoon stadium. me, yvonne, eugenia and caiying were the
water girls. so called. haha. we carried like containers of ice everywhere. and finally chilled under a tent. haha. but unfortunately, some guy asked us to help with the shot put. and i stupidly volunteer to be the one who records down the distance. damn k. it was soo tiring. imagine standing continuously from nine to like 12something. i was hungry toooo!:( but anyway, i realised that people tend to perceive the mentally disabled as dumb/stupid, whatever. cause theyre really not. no one in this world is stupid. haha. yeah, theres this guy in aspn (something), he plays in the SeaGames. thats something right? heh. so we finally had our lunch and the thing ended by 1something. oh and we sorta took loads of pics toooo. hahaha. then the four of us took a train down to little india cause we wanted to do threading. and apparently, thats the best and cheapest place to go. my eyebrows now are like soo shaped. i dont like. haha. oh and we went mustafa centre for awhile to get eyeliners and chocs. yumm. i got a
gold liquid eyeliner. haha. then we took a train back. but the girls went vivo while i head homeeee. i had to go for a wedding! and damn, i love weddings. so i went home, dolled myself up. and we left at about 630. my dad dropped us at the hotel. and like, i soo love the whole set up. they had an emcee from erm, Ria or Warna. whatever la. his name is abisheik or something! sucha funny guy. oh and
the bestman is HOT. hahaha. i waaant. sadly, the bride is a malay. hahaha. ok la, no offence! ;p they showed a video/slideshow of the bride and groom growing up. when it was time for the cutting of the cake, the emcee wanted a volunteer to hand the knife over. so this guy, so called Bob volunteered la. he's a friend of the groom i think. and he was sooo funny! ahaha. they made it in sucha way that it was like the parade thingie. this Bob guy had to march. haha. funny la. hes sucha clownnnn. anyway i think the sweetest part was when the groom kissed his bride on the forehead. :) funny thing, i had a crush on him before. HAHA. yeah anyway we left at like 11. my dad fetched us. and when we reached home, i was dying k! soooo tired. im supposed to go study with hashir today but im just soo tired.
and eugenia, sorry i didnt reply! i know you were with him. hahahaha.
lotsa love.
you'll always be my lil sister. and guess what?
i love ya. (even though you get really mean at times)
Happy 15th Birthday! mwahhh! lovess.
July 16, 2007
ok, ranting time! sheeesshhh.
am i a substitute? it's fucking annoying. and i dont even know why the hell it's affecting me this much. i mean i actually try not to care. but guess what? it's not happening! dammit. why is it so so difficult to let go? i really want to. ok maybe not. hahaha. but seriously! it all depends on her. shes the one who controls the tide for him. which i think is quite pathetic.
but hey, they call it love. many many ppl have been telling me what i should really do but i just canttt. i dont wanna be too nice either! but it's him i think about. haiii. hahahhaa. i sound really pathetic and stupid right? i just pretend i can handle it myself but in actual fact, it's bottling up inside. and the feeling is so shitty. hmphhhh!
im crazily in love!?play time is over! :(

....so random.....
July 14, 2007
i skipped
squash yesterday, all thanks to toon! hahaha. ok i just didnt wanna ditch her for like millionth time! i feel bad okay. but anyway i had pw till 430. then rushed to kovan mrt and took a train to harbourfront. VIVO! haha. finally met her after soo long! (: she has fuckin red hair now! my sister's a rebel.
bitchy rebel! haha. yeah so we walked around, practically window shopped. i couldnt find a freakin bag! my current sch bag is falling apart. it's suckin. but anyway we got our milk choc digestive biscuits from marks and spencer. yumm. had dinner at ljs. as usual. haha. oh and she finally replied my letter. four pages long baby! we gossiped. talked bout almost everything. laughed over everything. it was like old times. haha. i lovee. then i got my bag. the bag's fine. i mean, nothing big. haha. took the train home.
on thursday, i ditched toon cos my mummy msged me, telling me that i had to be home soon cos we were going for tahlil at my aunt's. and that my aunt(another) is leaving for Syria. so i rushed home. but guess what? we only left at 930. all thanks to daddy. yea. the whole family gathering thing was nice, i guess. i got to see the people i havent seen in awhile. i have a pretty hot nephew. haha. he is so so adorable. he likes me(: thats the best part. so we ate. i was pratically layan-ing the cutesy boy the whole time. haha. damnn, i love kids. we took a family photo. as in all of us. if only i had more family gatherings. ok well, i do. but just that my parents dont go for them. my daddy's always busy. apparently making money. but whatever. so said my goodbye to my aunt who will be in Syria for a year plus.
i hate goodbyes. oh and the cutesy boy was like asking me and my sister where we were going when we were walking to the car. haha. damnn cute!
i practically slept in sch on friday. was so so tired. oh and i got my result slip.
(no comments).now everyone go, AWWWW.......

July 11, 2007
TAKE THE MOVING BALLL!! hahahaha. i swear i was super duper hyper during squash just now. squash makes seeenah hyper! wheeee! i loiike. haha. all thanks to the crazy bunch. today's training started out pretty boring but after awhile things got crazyyy and fun fun! haha. im a talibanist! hahaha. okok crazy nonsense! eugenia and yvonne came to visit. again. haha. they ended ccc at like 515pm. how bloody unfair! oh and alnishyia taught me a word, PUNANI! hahahaha! ;p
i stepped on a snail today. i was like nicely walking behind mdm teo and like some guy said, snail! and the next thing i knew, creaaakkkkkkkkk. hahaha. i already stepped on it. there were mucus stuff all over and guess what? the snail has got eggs. yellow eggs. damnnn. i thought it was seriously nothing cos ive stepped on snails before. not on purpose! but anyway eugenia's reaction really got me thinking. ive been sooo mean. ive never ever spared a thought for other living things. haha. i know it sounds weird. but seriouslyyy=( hmph! felt so fucked up after the whole thing.
yea so im gon do some work now. feel sleepy though. need my coffeeeeee!
July 6, 2007
im finally blogging again! i just came home. had squash just now. i left earlier cause i was supposed to go 'out' with yvonne, but guess what? the party's tmr night. and like, sandy told me it's underage. im skipping that. seriously. no more underage parties.
(tho im underage, haha so contradicting) but still right. i look old enough.
squash was tiring just now. went to the court earlier. hit some balls with alicia. then waited for the rest.yvonne and eugenia came before gg for their ccc. haha. FUNNYY! ;) anyway the coach came! hes forever pissed with us. and like, he asked shuzhen to pick the better ones. i dont likeeee. hmph.
anyway! i had my malay oral on wentzday. i screwed it up like crazyy! i think i was ginxed that day. cos like, i wore college tee instead on full uniform. and i for my entry proof! thats like the most important thing, ever! damnn. but i pulled through. i was the second last person. while waiting, i was reminded of the old times. when me and toon had our o's malay oral. the waiting time was freakin funn! hahah. we made so much noise la. miss my malay classes with her!=( yea so after that i went for squash. played hardcore squash baby! i was totally in the mood. played till like 1930hrs. fun fun! i loiike. haha. by the time i came home, i was totally totally shagged.
henna's coming back tmr. hope we're doing somethingg.
and tooniebaby! sorry bout thurs. felt really bad. we'll meet soon aite? seeenah loves you manyyy! mwah.
July 2, 2007
i was so damn emo last night. HAHA. i was like gon cry. the worst part was that i didnt even know why. i just felt like i was missing someone. which, i thought, was
so ridiculous. haha. but i got over it after talking to
BestFriend. :)
yea so i finally got my squash non marking shoes. went all the way to queensway shopping cenntre with
shawty and
BestFriend. haha. it's seriously fun to like go out wit em. i sweear. haha. there's like never ending laughters. i likee.
when i went home, i checked my sch shoes and i realised it's non marking! hahaha. just that it has like purple soles rather than brown. and damnn, i cant wait to play squash agaiinnn! haha. daddy restrung the racket and changed the grip for me. so sweeet. haha.
so sch officially starts tmr. i dont feel prepared. and we'll be getting back our results. which kinda suck. i think yea.
so anyway i was thinking right. have you ever had someone betray you so badly that you dont think you can ever trust him/her cos you would never know when it'll happen again? im not trying to bring up the past. i was just thinking. haaha. but seriously, i feel scared. and every moment i spend with him, i'll be waiting for the day that he'll leave, again. cos ive never been this happy. and i know that my happiness is always shortlived. haha. k whatever. hmph.
Party at DxO on 6th July. Tickets at $18. Anyone wants to come?
When you're
goneThe pieces of my heart are
missing youWhen you're gone
face I came to know is
missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss youI've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of youAnd the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
love the things that you do
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?