September 25, 2007
August 18, 2007
it don't matter though cause someone's bound to hear my cry.
speak out if you do. you're not easy to find.
is it possible Mr. Loveable is already in my life?
right in front of me? or maybe you're in disguise?
who doesn't long for someone to hold, who knows how to love you without being told.
somebody tell me why im on my own, if there's a soulmate for everyone
here we are again, circles never end.
how do i find the perfect fit?
there's enough for everyone.
but im still waiting in line...
damn the fireworks. i freakin wanted to see it. i can only hear it now. damn him.
damn saturday nights. it feels so alone. ):
damn school. it's been sucha bitch. how can anything get so bitchy? it's so draining. i feel almost dead by the time it's friday. you just gotta enjoy it to get over the feeling.
damn him. things are so different now. he's the biggest fool of all. or am i? for wanting everything to be perfect.
squash isnt going too well for me. i was in no mood to play. but it felt okay after awhile. we need a better coach. i want anthony to come back. but anyway, i played two matches. 9-4. 9-7. not bad. i had dinner with the squashers, shuzhen. gayathree. alnishyia. alfie and natalin. thorn among the roses. haha. but it was cool. faizal came with the "gang". haha. i was tired by the time i reached home. but i just didnt feel like sleeping. i didnt want to. and i had no idea why. ): i slept only at 2.
my heart feels heavy whenever i talk to you. why is everything so weird.
August 12, 2007
Toonie is HAWT!
hey y'all. im feeling so sleepy. it's a sunday and im getting the blues:( theres sch tmr. damn, we're gonna run 2k again. haha im no bad influence to eugenia k. shes a born piggy. anyway instead of doing my work on friday, i met alnishyia who came super duper tuper wuper late. imagine 45mins of waiting. i got pissed but knowing me, i cant ever be angry at someone for so long. haha. damn my soft heart! ;p so we met at kallang. played at the kallang squash and tennis centre. it was fuckin fun stuff. haha. we sweat it out baby! we played for an hour and by the time we were shagged. hehe. but i likee. then there were like two guys watching us play. so nervous. haha. so we left around 6 and i met my hot girls at mp library. sandy's boy was there with his friend too. we talked for awhile and i dragged them out of that boring place and the four of us, as in glory, sandy, toon and me went to get my belgian choc ice blended with whipped cream at coffee bean parkway. heaven baby! haha. so yummy. we chilled there. talked bout our lives. oh and toon and sandy were like crazyyy. as usual! hahaha. BOTHER BOTHER BOTHER! hehe. ;) yeah anyway sandy's mom came to pick her up and glory had to leave for piano so toon and me walked around and headed home. she left me for her bus:( haha but Bestie accompanied me home on the phone. my phone died on me so the journey pretty much sucked. haha.
yesterday, i got so so pissed with my mommy. shes like blaming squash for every single thing i do wrong. she wants me to stop playing and start studying. like thats ever gonna happen. it will but not so sooon. i guess. but anyway i went to alisa's house to's been long since i last went over. we did some stuff. glory came over too. oh and like. they took my phone! and checked some stuff!:( such bitches. haha. i dont think it should be called private since people keep seeing them! grrr. heh. yeah anyway. i reach home only about 10something. was so tired. i watched the ring with mommy and munii. we sorta like kissed and made up. haha. ok not literally. but yea.
i wanna watch disturbia and alone and any other scary movies there are!
August 9, 2007
sr's thanksgiving concert rocked!
boooo! happy national day people! haha. (big deal) glory actually stayed up till 12 to wish spore happy birthday. that girl's nuts! haha. so anyway, yesterday was sr's thanksgiving concert. it fuckin rocks. the teachers who performed were greaat! and to think that they only rehearsed for like two days. so anyway, i was planning to leave late since it starts only at 5something. but alicia called so i met her at around 230 at the ubi bustop and we headed to sch. i helped out at the kacang puteh stand. haha. i was like the indian man who wraps the kacang puteh! haha;) so we ended up walking around the sch. there were like other booths selling stuff like tattoos and fooooood. yum. haha. then we sorta like assembled and the whole ceremony started. suhaila marched in! she was wearing her ncc uniform. cutee! heh. oh and there was like some MALAY guy who was outside the sch. godknowswho. and he was like shouting all sorts of crap. like, "left right bapak kau!" or something like that. haha. sheesh. so like, we went to the hall. was a lil squeezy. the lights were dimmed and the concert begun.
first, the emcees were like cracking lame jokes k! haha. and then they invited the guest of honour. and he was....... darth vader! hahaha. funny k! some teacher dressed in darth vader's outfit and came from the back of the hall with his light saber. haha. then he met his princess amidala on stage. haha. and they became the emcees. some teachers performed martial art. then there was Deal or No Deal (sr version). was pretty cool cos the sounds and all were exactly like the one they have on the show. and we had eight models. all were teachers. haha. mrs chen was hott. they also had their suitcase thing. coool la. the vp was there too. she was the mother of the contestant. cute la! so aunty. heh. then the teachers from the pe department performed. ms riverra danced! haha. and the basketball girls made a banner for her. coool k. after that some teachers sang. mr philip tan is back! hes still round. haha. ms tan and some teachers danced tooo. so retro! and freakin hell, ms tan can dance! haha.
then the emcees came back and darth vader became austin power and princess amidala became the girl. haha. so funny la. cos he kept saying, "yeah baby yeaaaah" haha. the principal then sang for us. was damnn sweet cos he dedicated the first song to j1s and the second to j2s. and everyone sang along. felt good. (: there was one part where caiying CRIED! haha. the principal gave his closing speech. but we wanted encore. haha. then he sang for us again! hes freakin cool. ive never had a principal like him. dammn. haha. the concert ended around 830. then s9 went to the gallery to celebrate adeline's bday. i helped to cut the cake into 22 pieces! so anyway jabian came to pick yvonne up and the kpo ppl (surprisingly almost everyone!) sent her off and saw him. hahaha.. i'd be soo embarrassed if i were her. heh. so the 5 bobbys, weiting, linhui, tricia, eugenia and me went for dinner. had prata! haha. it was funnnn. then i left with darryl. reached home only at about 1130. thank god i didnt get screwed. i had a blastttt. woooo! haha. we managed to raise about $102,000 in total! haha and finally,
sr and the teachers rockkss! mwaahhhhh!
ridzwan's not in the pic. nyaha.
August 8, 2007
me and my tongue obsession. i likee.
Girls just wanna have fun.
obviously camwhoring.
my two funny girls. only one's a bitch. the other's a boy. HAHAHA.
she looks like happy mouse!
she has some serious attitude problem.
i sense some bitchy vibe.
porky eating her damn tiramisu!
camwhoring alone can be fun okay!
beanie on her.
then me.
we chill.
hey bitches. ;) yesterday was 'be yourself day' in sr. i thought i was gon look so weird and stuff but the other girls actually dressed up more. much much more. it was pretty amusing. i mean like, it's a school dammit. haha. but whatever. they had fun. me too! though the lessons were like sooo draggy. i ended sch at like 6. oh and i broke my freakin slippers. damn k. i was cursed. haha. karma la. but anyway, we had ct period. and there was this play that some drama company did. it was about love. haha. it pretty much rocked i guess. i mean, it's nice. the whole drama thing. so anyway, i was supposed to meet him. but things fuckin screwed up so i went out with the girlies instead. we had yet another coffee bean night. wooo! haha. i likeeeee. went paya lebar coffee bean. i think we're like addicted to the place or something. it's a damn nice place to chill. left only at 10something. my mum was like so bugging me. sheesh. and i was like soo shagged by then. haaha. took a cab home. had conference at night:)
on monday, it was the captain's ball semi finals. haha. sounds lame and childish. but it's seriously not. cos the guys were so aggressive. but anyway s9 got in the finals. i was the captain and it was damnn pressurising. but there were soo much of team spirit. i soo like! we got second place anyway. i was gonna take a cab home but ended up taking the bus with darryl. haha.
im gonna go sch later for some squash thing at 3 and the thanksgiving concert at 630. kinda coool that sch's gonna start only then for srjcians. and the teachers are performing. i heard the principal's gonna sing too. cooolness! haha. the principal is soo hip! i swear. hes really making sr into a proper sch now. and i dont care what others think, i feel that the sch's great.
much loves.
August 5, 2007
With Love, 1s09.

im with a manjannnnnn! hahahaha.
yvonne seriously wants me!
emo elmo eskimo with an extra BIGMOUTH. hahaha.
JUST US. right eugenia?
can someone make me less cheeky? haha. i love ms riverra!
muscular VS flabby VS tanned legs.
she walks a LONELY road, the only one that she has ever known. (that leads her to my blk!)
Dear Lord, please save me from this mean world:(
some random pictures to bring me joy. haha.
Things to look forward to:
1. Chem bonding Lecture Test tmr
2. Be Yourself Day on tuesday (i have noo idea what to wear, dammit!)
3. Sch starts at 545PM on wentzday! wheeeeee!
4. National Day. woooo? like anyone gives a damn.
5. Dragon Boating with fellow classmates. youre SOO coming peishan! hahaha.
7. Friday Night(:
August 4, 2007
ive finally decided to blog again. ive been super busy. with project work and sch stuff. ugh. it's killing me. yesterday was an emo emo day. hmph. when you feel for a person soo much, it's just hard to let go. and
the truth hurts. real bad. i might not show it. but deep inside im wailing like a baby. im still trying to get over it. this whole drama is not over. hmp. so anyway i had captain's ball interclass. haha. ok i know it sounds lame. but sr is doing some fund raising and classes will hold competitions like this where each interested class will hafta pay like 1 or 2 bucks to play. it was fun. there was so much class spirit! haha. i soo like. there was one point newman just kept screaming here and there. haha. damn funny. and ms riverra was there too. and she was cheering and jumping for us. cuteeee! haha. it's so fun to have her as our ct. yea, so i was the captain. as in the one on the chair. i get soo scared each time i miss the ball. haha. but hey, we won 11-9. woo! congrats ppl! love y'all.
ok so then me and alicia went for squash. i dont really like richard as our coach. i prefer anthony. but he was with the guys. so we just played games after games with richard. and time flew. by the time it was seven. so i went to shower. met yvonne and eugenia after they showered. and alicia came with us to paya lebar. we had dinner at ljs. then chilled at coffee bean. i had my belgian choc ice blended with whipped cream. so yum! haha. alicia left. and it was me, yvonne and eugenia. we talked. gossiped. laughed. a whole lot. haha it was fun.
secrets are meant to be kept, girls. then eugenia's dad came. she wanted her dad to fetchh me home but it wasnt in the way so yvonne went with them and i took a 21 home. felt so emo. i went home, was so shagged. i just slept.
on monday, i met him and his pretty lil car. watched simpsons. haha. so so funnnyy! i likee. haha even though the plot kinda sucked. haha.
spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spider can. spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flies. look out! here comes the spiderpig! ok something like that. haha.
i had lunch with the girlies at pizza hut on wentzday. was feeling emo that day too! but they managed to cheeer me up. haha. crazy bunch. :) love love you guys! mwahh!
doing that thing you do,
breaking my heart into a million pieces,
like you always do..
and you,
don't mean to be cruel,
you never even knew about the a
i've been going through.
well I try and
try to forget you boy,
but it's just so
hard to do,
every time you do that thing you do
know all the games you play,
and i'm gonna find a way to let you know that,
you'll be mine someday'cause we,
could be happy can't you see,
if you'd only let me be the one to hold you,
and keep you here with me
cause it
hurts me so just to see you go,
around with
someone new (not really?), and if i know you you're doin' that thing,
every day just doin' that thing,
i can't take you doing that thing you do!
credits to eugeniacrazymonkey. ;)